Friday, 25 January 2019

Friday 25th Wanaka

As you, dear reader, will know Wanaka is one of our very favourite places and we are delighted to be driving the short distance along Lake Dunstan to the lakeside town. It is a bit of a mixed day with some early sun but fading fairly quickly and cloud cover took over.

As the day progressed the sun came back for longer periods and the temperature rose significantly. We stopped in Wanaka town for three reasons, replenish supplies at New World (in our opinion one of the very best in NZ), check out the movies currently showing at the lovely but very quirky Paradiso cinema and yes you have guessed it coffee and cakes. Wanaka is full of coffee shops and they are all constantly full. Everywhere the coffee is excellent and we have voted Wanaka the coffee capital of NZ.

Now, as you may have noticed, the LLW has been neglecting her men of late so today was the day for a bit of catch up. Ray was sent off for one of his favourite bikes rides along the lakefront , past Wanaka town, on to Eeley Point and Beacon Point. The sun was fully out by now and it was lovely with lots of view points along the way.

The only problem was a very still climb on the way back from the lakefront to the camp site. With not an inconsiderable effort it as achieved except for the final very, very steep section inside the camp site grounds and up to our pitch. With impeccable timing the LLW called me just as I finished the climb and was slightly alarmed at the huffing and puffing.

A short sit down outside the camper van and I was back to normal, a quick shower and then time for the BBQ. Chicken with very good potatoes and a wonderful salad was partaken outside the van in a lovely evening light with brilliant views across Lake Wanaka.

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