Monday 7 January 2013

Saturday 5th January, The Hockley Family & Banks Peninsular

We woke up and got up early on Saturday with the aim of starting our fairly long journey to Akaroa on the  Banks Peninsular, near Christchurch before the rush (relatively speaking - this is after all, New Zealand).

After discussing how we might meet with Miles Hockley we agreed that the best alternative was for us to visit them at their home close to Rangiora on our way to Akaroa.

Even after taking the scenic route (very) via Methven and Mount Hutt, we arrived at the Hockley estate around 12:45. Since we last visited two years ago, not only has Ruari become a teenager ( 13  on 3rd January) but Miles and Emma have become, goatherds ( angora goats no less) and herb farmers (thyme and oregano). And all of this in addition to the day jobs!

We thoroughly enjoyed our time with them all on a very, very hot afternoon (apparently 33C) and just before we left all 5 of us sat with our feet in a very cool stream at the end of the estate!

Off then to Akaroa which is 83 Km from Christchurch on the SW side. We had decided to drive through Christchurch to see for ourselves how the city is recovering from the devastating earthquake of two years ago. It is very sad to see how much has been destroyed; the cathedral, several other old churches and many sections of the city are now parking spaces where offices and shops used to stand. Miles reminded us that 181 people died in the earthquake many of them in one building and clearly there is a huge amount still to do to rebuild the once beautiful city. However, the Kiwis are nothing if not positive and there is a great sense of optimism and determination to re-emerge, bigger and better.

After Christchurch, the journey started easily but as we proceeded along the Banks Peninsular the road became steeper and windier. However, the views were wonderful and as we approached we knew that we would love Akaroa.

The lovely lady wife displayed her supreme campervan driving skills and so good was her reversing into the space at the site that she was awarded the coverted "best parked campervan on the site) award.

We were treated to great views across the harbour as the sun set at our camp site.

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