Sunday, 22 January 2017

Sunday 22nd Snow on the mountains!

It had been a very cold night with temperatures below freezing and the LLW did not rush to assume a vertical position requiring several cups of tea, a biscuit and at least an hour with her iPad Telegraph before such exertion could be considered. Ray was very chirpy since the magpies had won 4-0 and one of the nasty competitors for a promotion slot (Leeds United) had lost.

The competitors in the Red Bull Defiance had no such luxury starting their kayaking at 06:00, followed by a mountain bike ride and then a really hard run from the Cardrona Valley uphill through the mountains to Roy's peak (running through fresh snow) and then steeply downhill to the lake and on to the finish at Wanaka's waterfront.

After watching a few of the elite athletes completing the course, we had a walk along the lakeside and swing the views over the mountains decided to drive down to Glendhu Bay to see the views from there. As we drove it was clear that there had been a considerable snowfall overnight and this was confirmed by Radio Wanaka who confirmed that there had been a fall of 30 cm at Cardona!

The photos are not great because it was quite cloudy but I think you will get a feeling for how snowy it is on the mountains - and this is mid summer.

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