Sunday, 22 April 2018

Friday 20th April

Sunny and hot again today but the LLW had to pay her other men some attention (not sure how many there are of them but it seems to be at least as many as in a Rugby Union team!) so Ray was unceremoniously sent off to cycle to Leiden with orders not to return until lunchtime!

This was a lovely ride and shortly after I left Noordwijk, I saw a stork in the field to my right but unfortunately it saw me at the same time so by the time I had found the camera, it had flown off and sadly my photo only shows the storks nest plus another stork flying into the middle distance!

Leiden was soon reached and I pottered around the old town stopping briefly for a coffee in the main square. Very lovely and relatively quiet.

Coming back I had decided  to cycle due west to Katwijk aan Zee and then cycle north along the dunes route to Noordwijk. the section through the dunes was fantastic and as you can see was very busy!

After around 19.5 miles I arrived back at our hotel and persuaded the LLW that she must forget her other men for a while and come with me to see the dunes. We cycled via an inland route to Katwijk which was lovely and there were plenty of bulb fields for the LLW to enjoy.

However there were a few complaints that some of the dunes were too high resulting in rather too many ups and downs for the LLW's liking. After just over 9 miles we were back at our hotel and after a short rest we walked across the road to lets Anders, our venue for dinner. It was excellent and the LLW that the slowed cooked belly of pork in her duo of pork was the best ever. Ray also declared his steak the best for some time so all in all a very enjoyable meal.

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