Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Monday 8th January

Another day in the sun!

The LLW decided that she had some work to do so I was sent out to acquire croissants for breakfast even before the local supermarket was open. Nevertheless, I heroically returned with said croissants and the LLW was happy.

We have a church close by and they do like to ring their bells. Don’t get me wrong they don’t disturb us at all and they do not ring them at unsocial hours. However, their choice of tunes is interesting and the last couple of days they have played Ode to Joy on numerous occasions.  I think that given the large number of German tourists in Tenerife South, they are looking to convert them to Spanish Catholicism - good luck with that.

After a swim in the pool it was time for dinner and we went back to La Caleta which is less than a mile away and is by far the nicest part of southern Tenerife. We enjoyed a fish meal on the seafront and witnessed the most wonderful sunset but sadly photos never do justice to this type of natural event.

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