Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Wednesday 26th. Leaving NZ for Sydney

Another brilliantly clear but cold morning and we had our usual leisurely breakfast routine starting with 2 cups of team in bed.

Work is finished for the time being and everything packed and we are almost ready to go. Last year when we were in Queenstown we walked along the lake to a very pleasant cafe called the Boat Shed and as this is on our way to the airport, we have decided to stop there for a coffee.

There is an important announcement to make and that is that the LLW has changed her name to Lucy! The reason for this is that one day she was engrossed in her work and emails were being sent dozens to the minute. She handed me a cup of tea and said there you are Alex! To which I replied thank you Lucy and it has stuck!

We arrived in Sydney 45mins late, experienced a long delay clearing immigration and emerged into pouring rain. We had dinner with Hilton &Anne at our hotel and retired for a few hours sleep before our 04:00 start!

Very much looking forward to seeing Singapore but will miss NZ.

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