Tuesday, 26 August 2008

Currently at the IoD in Pall Mall - back to work with a bang after a good bank holiday weekend

Monday, 25 August 2008

Another bank holiday and another Rackham Fete. This year the lovely lady wife won first prize with her specimen gladioli so we will never hear the end of that. The Hynds descended on us and I think Genevieve and Atticus really enjoyed the fair - I certainly hope so cause they exhausted us. We collapsed with a bottle of wine once they had left.

I cheated a bit with the photo since it's from last year.

Friday, 22 August 2008

Skinners Cottage

working at home today
Morning at Obertaun on the Hallstattersee
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We had a great weekend with David & Jane Maxwell in the Austrian Salzkammergut in August. Very early flight (06:30)to Salzburg on the Friday morning and spend a really nice day in the town inspite of very wet weather. On the Saturday we drove to the lake area, down the western shore of the Atttersee, round Mondsee and then to St. Gilgen on the Wolfgangsee where we took a boat trip around the lake stopping at Strobl for lunch - excellent. Then on to Obertraun on the Hallstattersee where we stayed overnight. Woke up to a beautiful sunny morning and Rosemary and I went for a swim in the lake - lovely but very cold! Then on to beautiful Gosau and the Gosausee - as lovely as ever inspite of us getting a parking fine! On to Rauris where we had lunch and then to Zell am See where the next morning we met up with Alistair, Louise, Genevieve and Atticus. Another swim in the lake which was much warmer that the Hallstattersee and then back to Salzburg via Berchtesgaden. A late flight back to Stansted and a terrific few days.